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Monday, September 26, 2005

Bored with the same old foods? Kick it up a notch with salsa. Instead of fattening dressings and cream sauces, give this tomato-based palate-pleaser a try. Spice up everything from chicken and veggies to omelets and raw veggies. Mix with low-fat sour cream for a peppy dip for baked chips and spoon over mixed greens for a chunkier, more dramatic dressing.

Nature packs a lot of vitamins A and C into these low-calorie appetizers. Half a medium-sized mango supplies 40% of the vitamin A and 50% of the vitamin C that most of us need daily. All for a mere 67 calories. And it tastes great!

If p.m. coffee leaves you too perky to sleep, try cutting it off earlier rather than cutting it out completely. Coffee's stimulatory effects usually take 6 - 8 hours to wear off, so consider your bedtime when you reach for an afternoon or evening cup. The effects -- it can exacerbate insomnia, nervousness, anxiety and even panic attacks -- may last longer in women taking oral contraceptives and in older people. But coffee isn't a demon, either. Short-term studies have found that a cup's worth -- 100mg – can increase self-confidence, energy and motivation to work.

Peppers rank surprisingly high on the list of healing foods. For instance, hot chile peppers contain capsaicin, a compound that acts as an anticoagulant and may help prevent heart attacks and strokes caused by blood clots. A half-cup of chopped red bell peppers provides 141mg of vitamin C and 4,250 IU of vitamin A -- more than an adult's daily needs for both. And whether they're mellow and sweet or fiery hot, all peppers are all good sources of potentially cancer-fighting antioxidants, especially vitamin C.

Blogged on 6:18 AM



Wednesday, September 21, 2005


Rasul selalu mengajak ummatnya untuk bangun sebelum subuh, melaksanakan sholat sunah dan sholat Fardhu, sholat subuh berjamaah. Hal ini memberi hikmah yg mendalam antara lain :

- Berlimpah pahala dari Allah SWT
- Kesegaran udara subuh yg bagus untuk kesehatan / terapi penyakit TB
- Memperkuat pikiran dan menyehatkan perasaan.

Rasulullah SAW selalu sentiasa rapi & bersih, tiap hari kamis atau Jumaat beliau mencuci rambut-rambut halus di pipi, selalu memotong kuku, bersisir dan berminyak wangi. "Mandi pada hari Jumaat adalah wajib bagi setiap orang-orang dewasa. Demikian pula menggosok gigi dan memakai harum-haruman"(HR Muslim).

Sabda Rasulullah SAW : "Kami adalah sebuah kaum yang tidak makan sebelum lapar dan
bila kami makan tidak terlalu banyak ( tidak sampai kekenyangan)" (Muttafaq Alaih)
Dalam tubuh manusia ada 3 ruang untuk 3 benda : Sepertiga untuk udara, sepertiga untuk air dan sepertiga lainnya untuk makanan. Bahkan ada satu tarbiyyah khusus bagi ummat Islam dengan adanya Puasa Ramadhan untuk menyeimbangkan kesehatan.

Rasulullah SAW selalu berjalan kaki ke Masjid, Pasar, medan jihad, mengunjungi rumah sahabat, dan sebagainya. Dengan berjalan kaki, keringat akan mengalir, pori-pori terbuka dan peredaran darah akan lancar.Ini penting untuk mencegah penyakit jantung.

Nasihat Rasulullah SAW: "Jangan Marah"diulangi sampai 3 kali. Ini menunjukkan hakikat kesehatan dan kekuatan Muslim bukanlah terletak pada jasadiyah belaka, tetapi lebih jauh yaitu dilandasi oleh kebersihan dan kesehatan jiwa.

Ada terapi yang tepat untuk menahan marah :

- Mengubah posisi ketika marah, bila berdiri maka duduk, dan bila duduk maka berbaring
- Membaca Ta 'awwudz, karena marah itu dari Syaithon
- Segeralah berwudhu
- Sholat 2 Rokaat untuk meraih ketenangan dan menghilangkan kegundahan hati

Sikap optimis akan memberikan dampak psikologis yang mendalam bagi kelapangan jiwa sehingga tetap sabar, istiqomah dan bekerja keras,serta tawakal kepada Allah SWT.

Untuk menjaga stabilitas hati & kesehatan jiwa, mentalitas maka menjauhi iri hati merupakan tindakan preventif yang sangat tepat. :Ya Allah,bersihkanlah hatiku dari sifat sifat mazmumah dan hiasilah diriku dengan sifat sifat ahmudah.

Blogged on 1:07 AM



Tuesday, September 20, 2005

The Challenge of Being Diagnosed with Lupus

by RemedyFind Columnist and Lupus Host - Suzanne Davis

One thing I hear from people with auto-immune diseases is how frustrated they are when it comes to getting a precise diagnosis. Many have the diagnosis of Undifferentiated Connective Tissue Disease (UCTD), meaning that they have signs of an auto-immune disease, but that the doctor cannot tell which one yet. Many cases remain undifferentiated, but others will continue to evolve into a specific disease. Lupus is particularly hard to diagnose, as it can affect any part of the body, and it is different in each and every patient.

Many patients present to their doctors with sun sensitivity and/or joint discomfort. Sometimes excessive hair loss is what drives them to the doctor. Fatigue and fever or depression may come first in others.

The care physician will often request lab work, which may or may not show an elevated Anti Nucleic Antibody (ANA). Healthy people may have positive ANA, but they are usually in small titers (1:320 or less). The sensitivity of ANA test for SLE is very high (almost 100%) but its specificity low since ANA can be present in a number of different clinical conditions and even in normal controls. 25-40% of normal, healthy adult females may be ANA positive and never develop lupus or other connective tissue disease.

If the primary care physician is suspicious of an autoimmune disorder, he/she will probably send the patient to see a rheumatologist. After taking a careful history and running lab tests, the rheumatologist tries to put the pieces of the puzzle together. Most times patients must fulfill four out of eleven of the American College of Rheumatology criteria for lupus. However, there are occasions when only one criterion must be met. Should the doctor do a kidney biopsy and find definite lupus involvement, lupus may be diagnosed on that criterion alone.

Rarely do patients present with enough criteria for an exact diagnosis. Does the joint pain and inflammation point to lupus or rheumatoid arthritis? Do the dry mouth and eyes indicate lupus? Is the depression due to lupus or something else?

When studies are ordered they may be inconclusive. Is the patient having seizures (one of the criteria)? Some of the lab tests may be abnormal in more than one disease. An example is anti SS-A or SS-B antibodies that may be found in lupus. RF (rheumatoid factor) may be found in either rheumatoid arthritis or lupus.

All of this often creates anxiety for the patient. Are their symptoms real? Many have been to several doctors who have told them they need more rest or are imagining their symptoms.

In addition to this, the typical auto-immune patient doesn’t look like ill. Friends and family are likely to tell the patient they are looking good. This can feel very invalidating to the patient, who may be feverish, fatigued, have pain, foggy thinking, and generally feel sick.

How does a person describe UCTD to others, much less to themselves? It’s like being told the patient is sick, but not enough to know which illness it is. Employers are not likely to understand the need for disability accommodations for UCTD, something they are not familiar with.

Fortunately the symptoms and lab work may become more specific over time, leading to the diagnosis of lupus (SLE, SCLE, or DLE).

For many of the patients I have spoken with, the diagnosis of lupus is a great relief. While it is sobering to hear that one has such a serious disease, at least one can name then face it. The diagnosis validates what the patient has been feeling for perhaps a number of years, but couldn’t express.

Such goes one of the first encounters with a major auto-immune disease.

Blogged on 6:17 PM



Research / News - Prolonged remission in systemic lupus erythematosus

August 2005. This study was designed to measure the frequency of prolonged remission in systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). Patients registered in the Lupus Clinic database between 1970 and 1997 with visits no more than 18 months apart were identified. Prolonged remission was defined as a 5-year consecutive period of no disease activity (SLE disease activity index, SLEDAI = 0) and without treatment (corticosteroids, antimalarials, or immunosuppressants).

The study found,
Seven hundred and three patients fulfilled inclusion criteria. Of the 703 patients 46 (6.5%) achieved complete remission for at least 1 year, whereas only 12 patients (1.7%) had prolonged complete remission of at least 5 years on no treatment. Although the frequency of disease manifestations was similar to the patients not in remission, the 5-year remission group was distinguished by lower overall disease activity as measured by adjusted mean SLEDAI, lower prevalence of anti-DNA antibodies, and lower use of steroids and antimalarials.

CONCLUSION: Prolonged complete remission in lupus is rare. Therefore with current therapies continued vigilance for disease recurrence is necessary.

Blogged on 6:15 PM



Lupus pada Laki-laki


Assalamualaikum wr wb
Pros Zubairi yth,
Adik saya, 30 tahun, laki-laki, bekerja sebagai karyawan bank. Saat ini sedang dirawat di rumah sakit karena penyakit lupusnya kambuh. Seminggu sebelum opname jari-jarinya bengkak, persis sama seperti awal dia dinyatakan sakit lupus. Data-data pemeriksaan laboratorium saya lampirkan. Pertanyan saya, apakah benar adik saya sakit lupus? Bukankah lupus hanya menyerang perempuan saja? Mengapa setelah dua tahun kondisinya pulih, lupusnya sekarang muncul lagi?

Nina, Jakarta

Waalaikumussalam wr wb
Mbak Nina yang baik,
Jika melihat gejalanya di mana terdapat sakit dan pembengkakan sendi serta data laboratorium terlampir (ANA +, anti-dsDNA +, protein urin +, leukosit 3.700/mikroliter) tampaknya adik Mbak Nina memenuhi kriteria untuk dikatakan menderita lupus. Untuk diketahui, istilah lupus sering digunakan untuk menyebut penyakit systemic lupus erythemathosus (SLE). SLE adalah penyakit di mana terdapat antibodi (zat kekebalan tubuh) yang justru kemudian merusak jaringan tubuh sendiri.

Dalam hal ini, karena gejala yang menonjol hanya nyeri sendi, maka pemeriksaan rontgen menjadi sangat penting. Pemeriksaan rontgen berguna untuk membedakannya dengan artritis rheumatoid (AR). Pada AR, gambaran rontgen-nya sangat khas, jadi walaupun tes darahnya sesuai dengan lupus SLE, ia menderita AR bukan SLE. Jika gambaran rontgen tulang-sendi tidak sesuai dengan AR, berarti SLE. Pada kasus adik Mbak Nina, hasil rontgen yang dilampirkan memang tidak sesuai dengan AR, jadi ia sakit lupus.

Lupus memang paling banyak dialami oleh perempuan usia dewasa muda. Namun, bukan berarti laki-laki tidak dapat terkena. Pada usia 15-40 tahun, memang sekitar 90 persen orang dengan lupus (Odapus) adalah perempuan, namun persentase ini mulai menurun dengan meningkatnya usia. Pada kelompok usia di atas 50 tahun, persentase Odapus perempuan menjadi sekitar 75 persen. Pasien lupus laki-laki di Indonesia sendiri saat ini jumlahnya sekitar 7 persen.

Tidak ada perbedaan menonjol antara gejala lupus pada laki-laki dan perempuan. Beberapa penelitian melaporkan hasil yang bervariasi dan tidak konsisten, yaitu bahwa kemerahan kulit pada pipi lebih banyak ditemukan pada perempuan, sementara anemia hemolitik, gejala neurologis seperti kejang, dan antikoagulan lupus positif lebih banyak ditemukan pada laki-laki.

Antikoagulan lupus adalah zat antibodi dalam tubuh yang menyebabkan peningkatan risiko terjadinya bekuan darah yang dapat menyumbat pembuluh darah, memudahkan timbulnya stroke atau bekuan di pembuluh darah balik tungkai.

Lupus memang merupakan penyakit yang dapat kambuh kembali setelah sebelumnya gejalanya mereda dengan pengobatan. Namun, Anda tidak perlu khawatir. Sebagian besar pasien lupus dapat dikontrol dengan baik dengan minum obat-obatan. Bahkan adapula yang sembuh total sehingga tidak perlu minum obat lagi.

Blogged on 3:03 AM



Berikut ini adalah perawatan paling sering dilakukan oleh pasien Lupus.
Coba simak, siapa tau bermanfaat:

Top patient-rated Lupus treatments

(As of September 17, 2005. Based on a minimum of 15 ratings. The first number is the averaged rating (0 = poorest; 10 = best). The number in parenthesis is the number of ratings the treatment has received.)

Emotional Support: Online Discussion Groups 9.3 (26)
Prayer / Spirituality 9 (27)
Provigil etc. (Modafinil) 7.8 (17)
DHEA (Dehydroepiandrosterone) 7.3 (25)
Plaquenil etc. (Hydroxychloroquine) 6.7 (59)
Deltasone etc. (Prednisone) 6.6 (45)
Rheumatrex etc. (Methotrexate) 6.4 (18)
Imuran etc. (Azathioprine) 5.6 (23)
Bextra (Valdecoxib) 5.6 (16)
Cytoxan etc. (Cyclophosphamide) 5.2 (23)

Untuk lebih lengkapnya, silahkan sambangi link ini.

Blogged on 1:14 AM



Sunday, September 04, 2005

What is Lupus

Lupus is an autoimmune (AW-toe-ih-MYOON) disease, a type of self-allergy, whereby the patient's immune system creates antibodies which instead of protecting the body from bacteria & viruses attack the person's own body tissues. It is neither infectious nor contagious.

Lupus is a disease that can affect many parts of the body & each person's profile or list of symptoms is different. Everyone reacts differently. One person with lupus may have swollen knees and fever. Another person may be tired all the time or have kidney trouble. Someone else may have rashes. Lupus can involve the joints, the skin, the kidneys, the lungs, the heart and/or the brain. If you have lupus, it may affect two or three parts of your body. Usually, one person doesn’t have all the possible symptoms.

Lupus can mimic other diseases, such as multiple sclerosis & rheumatoid arthritis, making it difficult to diagnose. Currently there is no single test that can definitely say whether a person has lupus or not. Only by comprehensive examination and consideration of symptoms and their history can a diagnosis be achieved.

There are three main types of lupus:

  • Systemic lupus erythematosus (eh-RITH-eh-muh-TOE-sus) is the most common form. It’s sometimes called SLE, or just lupus. The word “systemic” means that the disease can involve many parts of the body such as the heart, lungs, kidneys, and brain. SLE symptoms can be mild or serious.
  • Discoid lupus erythematosus mainly affects the skin. A red rash may appear, or the skins on the face, scalp, or elsewhere may change color.
  • Drug-induced lupus is triggered by a few medicines. It’s like SLE, but symptoms are usually milder. Most of the time, the disease goes away when the medicine is stopped. More men develop drug-induced lupus because the drugs that cause it, hydralazine and procainamide, are used to treat heart conditions that are more common in men.

What is Lupus Awareness Campaign?

Lupus Awareness Campaign (LAC) is a program started by Rusnita Saleh, a writer-training and information specialist, who is also lupus sufferer (now remission phase – lupus nephritis) by collect, write and publish materials related to SLE in free website: and created a mailing list with same subject concern to share knowledge and information about SLE symptoms and guidance to cope and start healthy living.

The program now start to broad not only limited to mailing list and web pages, but also broadcast through radios and now publish some booklets, pamphlets and books about lupus related topics. These publications will be spread to hospitals, community centers, resource centers with the access to public audiences.

In the future, we hope we can go further educate productive ages audiences, most importantly women (since the sufferer 90% are women), by building special class /seminars to give potentials patients and sufferers themselves a real discussion and face to face with their friends in need.

Our long term program after some evaluation, hopefully we can enhance the program to phase II where awareness not only to help public acknowledge about SLE, but also take action to help sufferers directly managing and coping the illness.

Why is this campaign important?

Up until now, there is no cure yet for lupus. People diagnosed with lupus normally remain under medical care with continuing medication. Many symptoms have less impact as a result, but side effects can often occur. Lupus can adversely influence the lives of those who suffer the illness, their families & friends.

Since handling this sickness is not an easy task, all sufferers, families and medication specialist need to know more about this unique sickness and techniques in how to manage health condition during and post attack. Up until now learning symptoms and best-worst practices in way to gain healthy living around SLE is the best way to cope and handle the situation.

What You can Do to help this program run well

Since the program now is trying to publish materials and building training tools, it needs special budget and volunteers to help its smooth running. Please contact us for further details information. Your roles in helping lupus sufferers and their family can also start from now by spreading this program information to others and let generous hands work for good.

Lupus Awareness Campaign Founder,

Rusnita Saleh

Kayu Putih Indah A-2

Jl. Kayu mas raya – Jakarta 13210



Cell: +62.8551000.672

Fax: +6221. 4788.1962

Blogged on 9:37 PM



Thursday, September 01, 2005

ADIK saya, gadis berumur 15 tahun, sekarang duduk d i kelas I SMU. Selama tiga bulan terakhir ini dia menderita demam yang hilang ti mbul disertai sariawan. Di kedua pipinya terdapat bercak merah dan salah seorang anggota keluarga saya mencurigai bercak merah tersebut sebagai tanda penyakit l upus.

Saya berkonsultasi dengan seorang dokter penyakit dalam. Dari hasil pemeriksaan laboratorium, adik saya ternyata dinyatakan sebagai penderita lupus. Menurut ket erangan dokter penyakit dalam tersebut kami tidak usah khawatir, asalkan si pend erita patuh memakan obat steroid yang diberikan.

Meskipun telah ditenangkan dokter, kami sekeluarga-terutama adik saya-teramat ta kut terhadap penyakit lupus. Saya pernah membaca bahwa penyakit lupus dapat meny erang ginjal dan bila tidak hati-hati dapat menimbulkan kematian. Saya berusaha untuk menenangkan adik saya dan menganjurkan agar dia memusatkan perhatian pada sekolahnya. Meskipun demikian, saya ingin informasi lebih rinci mengenai penyaki t lupus terutama yang menyangkut masalah di bawah ini :

1. Mengapa penyakit lupus banyak mengenai perempuan?

2. Betulkah penyakit lupus merupakan penyakit yang berbahaya dan belum dapat dis embuhkan?

3. Bagaimana masa depan seorang penderita lupus, apakah dia dapat bekerja, hamil , dan melahirkan selayaknya seperti perempuan lain?

4. Kepada spesialis manakah sebaiknya seorang penderita lupus berobat?

Dewi, Jakarta

Penyakit lupus (disebut juga lupus eritematosus sistemik) memang sering m enyerang perempuan muda dalam usia reproduktif. Di Rumah Sakit Cipto Mangunkusum o perbandingan penderita perempuan dan laki-laki 10 : 1. Ini mungkin disebabkan karena risiko untuk terkena penyakit ini salah satu di antaranya adalah berhubun gan dengan hormon estrogen yang terdapat pada wanita.

Pada penyakit ini tubuh membentuk zat anti terhadap inti sel, DNA, RNA, sel dara h merah, sel darah putih, dan sel-sel lain di dalam tubuh penderita. Sekitar sep ertiga penderita memang hanya mengalami keadaan penyakit yang ringan, misalnya k e-lainan kulit atau sendi saja. Pengobatannya juga ringan, cukup menggunakan oba t antiradang yang tidak termasuk golongan steroid. Sementara, sebagian penderita lain dapat mengalami kerusakan berbagai organ tubuh seperti ginjal, sistem dara h, jantung, paru, dan lain-lain.

Oleh karena itu, seorang dokter perlu menetapkan apakah penderita lupus tersebut mengalami gangguan pada organ tubuh yang penting seperti ginjal dan darah, atau terbatas hanya pada kulit dan sendi saja. Karena itulah diperlukan pemeriksaan laboratorium dan pemeriksaan penunjang lain yang cukup mahal. Jadi, bila penyaki t lupus tersebut hanya terbatas pada sendi atau kulit dan belum atau tidak ada g angguan pada organ tubuh lain, maka penyakit lupus tersebut tidak berbahaya. Bil a terdapat gangguan, misalnya pada ginjal atau sistem darah, maka gangguan terse but harus diatasi, sehingga fungsi organ-organ tersebut dapat dijaga dalam keada an baik.

Penyakit lupus dianggap berbahaya, karena dapat menimbulkan kerusakan pada ginja l, sistem darah, dan organ tubuh lain. Tetapi bila ditemukan pada saat belum ada kerusakan organ tubuh tersebut, maka penyakit ini dapat diatasi. Bila penyakit lupus menyerang tidak hanya terbatas pada sendi dan kulit, maka diperlukan obat steroid. Bila yang terkena gangguan adalah organ tubuh yang penting, seperti gin jal dan sistem darah, obat steroid yang diperlukan dosisnya tinggi, sehingga mun gkin menimbulkan efek samping seperti moonface (muka bulat seperti bulan) , tetapi steroid dosis tinggi ini pelan-pelan akan diturunkan.

Dengan pengobatan ini penyakit lupus akan mengalami remisi (bebas gejala). Pada penyakit lupus saat ini, tujuan pengobatan adalah mencapai keadaan remisi dan be lum sampai pada penyembuhan. Remisi ini dapat bertahun-tahun, tetapi memang dap at terjadi reaktivasi penyakit, misalnya jika berhenti makan obat sehingga diper lukan lagi dosis steroid yang tinggi.

Dalam keadaan remisi, seorang penderita lupus dapat bekerja seperti biasa, terma suk hamil dan memiliki anak. Saya menganjurkan adik Anda tetap berkonsultasi den gan dokter penyakit dalam, karena sebagian besar permasalahan lupus termasuk bid ang keahlian penyakit dalam, meskipun dalam keadaan tertentu diperlukan konsulta si dengan dokter jantung atau paru.

source: Kompas - dr Samsurizal

Blogged on 7:23 PM

